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Golden Tips Ripe Loose 2016

from $7.50

Welcome to the lighter side of the dark side. Our Golden Tips ripe pu'er is available in two vintages here from the same producer. Both vintages retain a delightful creaminess in aroma and flavor. For those of you looking for a milder cup of ripe tea for easy drinking and newbies, this is a great one. Slightly sweet with a hint of bitter.

Get some of each vintage and blend together. Experiment. Practice joy. Sip with gratitude.

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Additional Info

Basic Brewing Instructions:

  • Ripe Pu'er may be given two 5-10 second rinses) with the same temperature water as used for brewing.  
  • 195˚-212˚ F water temperature.
  • Use 1-2 teaspoons per 8 Oz. of filtered water.
  • Recommended first steeping of 30 seconds - 1 minute.  Add 30 seconds for each subsequent infusion. For a richer, darker cup try a longer infusion!

Tea brewing is meant to be a joyful exploration. There are no hard and fast rules. Experiment with the quantity of tea that you use, and steeping times. Enjoy discovering what your preferences are. They may change day to day.